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Etsy Love

Do you love to lose yourself in stationery and fabric shops? What about hardware stores? I love to wander the aisles, letting my imagination run riot with all the possibilities held within these Aladdin's caves. These sojourns are mostly enjoyed by oneself, that is, sans screaming toddlers. Ruins the train of thought like nobody's business.

Recently, I stumbled upon Etsy. I know, it's been around for ages and I've been slow on the uptake. These virtual aisles are full to brimming with inspiration, handmade craft and vintage goodies. I love to linger over the gorgeous handstitched children's clothes and toys.

I can do this anytime that suits me, with a cup of tea by my side and a clear head for imagining. Window shopping at its best. I've seen so many gorgeous ideas that I'm now just busting to emulate. My beautiful Mum has bought me my very own sewing machine for my birthday - God Bless her - and I can't wait to get cracking on some cute embellishments on t-shirts.

If you are interested in more than window shopping and want to purchase can I recommend this link: Cora Paige. I know that a lot of people have been following the story of Cora Paige and the playground that is being built in her name. There is now a dedicated Etsy site that will donate all profits to this cause. So much deliciousness to choose from! I have a few images below to whet your appetite:

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