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Polar Bears and Christmas Song #4

Three large trucks arrive on the village square. They've come to relay the tarmac around the war memorial. This was supposed to have been done for the Armistice commemoration last month. Better late than never. Sophie observes their arrival with keen interest. 

By the smaller village pond (where the carp live ) there are more workmen hard at work. The German billionaires are building again. This time its another garage with an inspection ramp so that their fleet of vintage cars can be serviced. Part of the old Roman defensive ditch has been built on. The good news is that they've started to repair the old farm buildings which have been derelict for generations as part of a new yoga centre for his wife.

In the supermarket a young woman assistant is dragging a trolley of sequined white Polar Bears along behind her. She spends a long time consulting a clip board.

The young woman frowns,  rummages around in the pile of bears and finds a solitary penguin to put on the fish counter.

Exhausted with her hard work she leaves the trolley of Polar Bears blocking the vegetable aisle and wanders off. Angus watches as three women stop, examine the bears and pop one in their trolleys. People will buy anything - even if it's not for sale.

Wet weather does little for Sophie's coat.

Here's a reflective Christmas song #4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDZjg_Igoc

And a stern warning from the Shanghai-Beijing Bullet Train : https://twitter.com/i/status/1056811593177227264

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