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Second Titanosaur Sighted


Just a quick update this morning before I head out to work. I've managed to finish my second Titanosaur for my 2mm fantasy project and have also finished a trio of skeletons for my Deadloque project too!

Titanosaur Wartower

This gives me a couple of heavier warbeasts for Land Ironclads but looking at the sculpt, I'm thinking I need to make a few more, possibly one with a heavier gun to act as a siege piece for assaulting Dwarven fortifications.

I must admit that I'm finding the whole project rather fascinating to work on as I'm constantly having new ideas for units, forces, warbeasts and all manner of interesting gubbins but I'm trying to keep myself from getting carried away by first concentrating on getting the stuff I have already sculpted finished!
 Titanosaur Unit

 I have found myself looking for Infantry to add to my fledgling force and I'm still swithering about picking up some from Irregular Miniatures but have spotted a few articles from people using hair rollers as the basis for tiny scale infantry. It sounds awful but having taken a peek at the finished article, I must admit that I'm tempted to have a go as in 2mm, the figures are so small that the approach may work! It's also rather in keeping with my budget for the project as a whole.

I suspect I'll need to nip into Boots and pick up a pack and have an experiment and if all else fails, they'll do for interesting conversion fodder.

Orc Warbeast Formation

Last but not least, here's a pic of my skeletal trio for Deadloque:

Dem Bones

It doesn't really show up in the sepia picture, but they've all been an absolute pleasure to work on and I'm looking forward to adding a few zombies as well as the vampire leader of the force in the coming weeks!

Once I've got them all done, I'll post an article on my thoughts on both the figures and the game but in the meantime, All the best!

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