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Got my first sunburn on Friday.......

Both my arms and face look like boiled lobsters despite the fact I wore a hot........however that means the rain has stopped and the sun has come out!!!  I spent a good four hours on the lawn tractor cutting grass and have still not finished the field {SIGH}  It's so bloody long the grass I have to have my blades as high as I can get them and the poor tractor is still struggling in places.  Plus it's too double cut to make it look half decent and as soon as I have finished it I need to drop the blades and do it again as it is still long. {{SIGH}}  Once I have done this it should be back to normal and easier to cut from then on.

It looks as though it's going to be a lovely day, it's just after 6am and my neighbour is already cutting his grass.  He has a big mower which we can hear from our place.  Mind you I have the doors and windows open and it's nice and quiet.

I took this photo:
It reminds me of the Smokies with the mist rising in the early morning.  There is a stream down there, that's why the mist is there.

It's a Bank Holiday weekend for us here in Canada.  My goal for today is to spend as much time as possible outside.  I already have a load of laundry in the washer, so will also be ironing.  Ds is apparently coming over to replace the hard drive on our desktop, so that should keep him out of mischief for a while.  Had hoped dd and other half would come up as well, but don't know about that.

So whatever you plan on doing today, have a Super Saturday.......

Oh and I think it was Rose who asked to see a photo of the outside of the house?  Here is a link to some photos

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