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Girls Day Out!!

I was up early this morning!
Summer drove down here to Waco and we all met up at IHOP for breakfast - 

Summer, Ruth Ann, me and Sherry!

We had such a good time!
Summer came on an errand and she turned around and drove right back to Irving.
I'm usually an open book but I have a surprise waiting for me when we go home on Sunday and I'm so excited about it! Now if Ronnie happens to come and put our carport up for us this weekend, it would be so wonderful. Sometimes you just have to give it to the Lord and wait for his timing to work things out.

Sherry chauffeured Ruth Ann and I around......we hit up not one - not two - but THREE thrift stores!
Picked up a Rx for me at Walgreens, made a stop at Harbor Freight and finally did a little shopping at HEB. We took Ruth Ann back to the RV park and stayed for awhile visiting.
It's been SO good to be with Ruth Ann again!

While I didn't bring home a car load of stuff - I did find a few treasures for very little money!

I bought three pieces of Chico clothing at $1.21 each!
LOVE this bright orange lightweight jacket!

Summer was with us for the Goodwill stop and she spied this OTT-LITE for me!
Just $4.99! Perfect for the puzzle table at home.

For $3 I got a pair of new CROC sandals.
Changed shoes when I got back to the car!!

Two more tops from Chico!
A comfy white one that I can layer with the airy float.
Love the color!
When I got back here to the camper/cabin, I changed into white pants and these two pieces!
Then I changed into my grundgies!

I have already put this fall leaves vinyl tablecloth on the camper table.
I always use one I can wipe off here because it's way too much trouble to move everything if I used a fabric one and would need to wash it often.

I can use this as a top or a nightgown.
It's fully lined.

Sherry's daughter gave her a shirt with this saying on it.
Now I have one!!

I really like this black 'thing'...very lightweight and perfect for layering.
So perfect that I tried it on - and then forgot about it.
We paid and went down the to the other end of the strip to another thrift store.
We were talking in the car about our Chico bargains and I thought, "Where is that black thing???" I was so disappointed that I didn't get out of the store with it - and then I looked down and saw that I was wearing it! I went right back down there and paid my $1.21 for it and never even took it off!

Since Summer was coming to meet us - she brought a box that had come in the mail from my friend, Dawn, in Florida. How exciting it is to get a box from Dawn!!
These are the very first McKenzie Childs anything I have ever had!
Two such pretty tea towels!
Two garlands of fall lights - and I saw hers today on a Facebook post and they are SO pretty!!!
Sleepy Time Tea and a matching cup!

It was a wonderful day spent with family and a box of goodies from a friend!
And the funny thing about the box from Dawn - I just mailed one to her!

Goodnight from my cozy camper blogging spot!

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