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The Versatile Blogger Award

Ever heard of the Versatile Blogger Award? This award is typically a way to honor those bloggers that bring something special to your life through their blog posts. Their blogs are interesting, offer uniqueness in writing and great quality of pictures among others.  

I am excited and honored to have been nominated for this award. It feels great for all my hard work to be recognized. Huge thanks to Izabella Nair of My Daily Wear for this nomination. I accept it with such joy! Her blog is amazing and I honestly look forward to her posts. Do check her out. 

As with most things we engage in, there are rules to be followed. First off I have to thank the blogger that nominated me, include a link to her blog,  share seven tidbits about me, and then I have to nominate 15 bloggers for this award. Such a fun way to get to know ourselves even better.

7 Things About Me

1. I am a Catholic and begin every day with saying the Rosary. Sometimes there is an urge to reach for my phone and check whats new on social media, emails and messages but thankfully I’m able to resist that and start out my day connecting with God.

2. I am the 6th of 9 children. Feels so good to come from a big and very close knit family. 4 brothers and 4 sisters that have my back so hard. Nothing feels better. 

3. I am addicted to emojis. I mean I go crazy with them sometimes. So much so I feel like If some of them could speak, they’d probably ask me to please desist from over using them, hehe.

4. I collect sunglasses. Omg, I can’t get enough. I want every style, shape and finish, high end, low end and everything in between. As you can imagine picking out one is always a challenge. What do you collect?

5. I am not a huge fan of cooking and only do when I absolutely have to but I love baking cakes. One of my favorites is fruit cakes over the holidays. I can’t resist the smell of cinnamon that fills the house.

6. I don’t like roller coasters or rides of any kind but boy do I love Small World at Disney! I think it’s just magical and don’t laugh but I really do sing along and bob my big head nonstop for the entire ride. I even have a huge smile plastered on my face, hehe. And then I get in line and do it all over again. I said don’t laugh!!

7. I love comedy so much so I watch reruns of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody with my daughter.

My Nominees
I enjoy reading a lot of blogs but the rules say to nominate 15. Kudos for the awesome posts you push out on a regular basis and keep up the great work. 

Fashion Tales
Journal of Style
Dressed With Soul
Daring Coco
Fashion Dreams and Lifestyle
The Dainty Dolls House
Style n Beauty Lounge 
Fashion Avenue
Pumps & Studs
The Cooking Wardrobe
They call me Bam Bam
Effortless Lady
Big Hair Loud Mouth
The Fashion Stir Fry
Fashion Phases

Thanks for reading and see you back tomorrow, Xo...

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