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The Winter Garden At The Four Seasons Hotel

Is it just me, or has Christmas come around pretty quickly? I swear this time last year I was on my hundredth cup of hot chocolate and at least 10th mince pie, and yet this year, I have barely touched anything!

Luckily there is somewhere super Christmasy in super central London to make up for the lack of festivities so far. The Four Seasons hotel on Park Lane has opened a Winter Garden complete with cute little lodges, blankets and hot chocolate. Oh did I mention they do boozy hot chocolate too?

The whole terrace is a winter wonderland. Big, fluffy (fake) fur throws, twinkling lanterns and winter flowers dotted about. The lights and sparkles give it such a magical feeling, you almost forget how cold London is.

The terrace is in collaboration with Hennessy, so there is the cutest cabin bar on hand to supply the drinks.

And what better way to drink a boozy hot chocolate than under the gaze of a huge, twinkling Christmas tree. Mine at home looks pitiful in comparison.

But before too long, a little magic arrived. Croque-monsieur! With truffle! If there was any a combination to get me excited, it would be these. You can't beat hot, melted cheese in winter, can you?

But of course, what else goes with chilly nights? Hot dogs! Or as the Four Seasons would like to say "posh dogs".

So here is a fact for you. Did you know there is in fact one man in the world who is an official mustard sommelier. Harry Lalousis is the worlds first, and only mustard sommelier, and has dedicated his life to tasting mustard. Personally I hate mustard and always have ketchup on my hot dogs, but each to their own eh.

For me, Christmas is about being with friends and family. It's the perfect excuse it get together with those you love and have some fun. Share some laughs, joy and a supporting hand. I never realised how much I loved my friends and needed them until this year when things weren't all perfect. So make sure you tell your friends and family what awesome human beings they are. 

Snug as a bug in a rug.

Once it got late, it started to really get chilly, so we decided to head inside and finish off the evening with a glass of Hennessy XO. I was rather impressed it came on it's own cognac trolly. I've grown to like cognac so much more this year. I never even thought to order it, but I've found it to be a sweeter alternative to whisky, so if you want to like whisky but haven't quite got there, give cognac a go. Plus Hennessy is now the world’s best selling cognac so I'd start with that.

Feeling slightly more merrier, it was time stop skip on home. But not before staring like a kid in a candy store at the Christmas decorations. 

I think it might be starting to feel like Christmas for me after all.

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