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Gimme Glitter: OPI - Pirouette My Whistle

Hello there guys!! Today I have the other glitter that I recently purchased. I justify it because it's a gift for doing well in my exams (that is actually a good way of justifying a polish purchase though). I'm pretty sure the first time I heard about this polish was when watching a grav3yard girl video. She's hilarious, I went though a phase where I would speak in a southern American accent because of her haha. I'm not sure what spurred me on to buy this, but it was probably The Polishaholic. It's always The Polishaholic lol.

Pirouette My Whistle is from last year's New York Ballet Soft Shades collection. This being the only glitter in the collection. I have to say the name sounds kind of dodgy haha.  There's silver glitter and sheer white hexes. Once again dat white glitter, that's the key. I'm down, I love white glitter. I put this over Barry M - Prickly Pear.

The delicacy is what makes this glitter. I really am in love with those sheer white hexes, they aren't in your face like stark white glitter (but I also love stark white glitter). This is one great glitter polish, I recommend it.

I used 2 coats (1 coat for thumb). The thing was the white hexes kept falling off but the coat would be too thick so I would have an issue. I tried to kind of strain the base whilst keeping as many hexes on the brush as possible. Otherwise very easy to apply and the hexes would only jut out a bit.
I'll have a nail art look with this as the base soon.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day!! :)

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