I took inspiration of newly received plates for Day 2's mani...Mickey Mouse! Mickey has been around for many, many years making him vintage appropriate!
Eeep! How cute is this? I think this would be sooo cool on all my nails. There' enough images, and with my nails this length, I could have a something a little different of this strip on each nail so they all look different. Definitely would love to see more plates with images like this!
Started with a base of two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, topped with SV (no pix as have shown many times before).
Stamped using black FUN stamping polish using JR-5 and H34.
If I wasn't going for a more traditional look, I would have jazzed this up a bit with some colouring and dots but kept it more on the simple lines for the vintage look. Topped with SV to finish.
Here' a closer look at JR 5. These are a new line of plates offered by My OnLine Shop.
While I didn't use this plate for this mani, this plate too has a lot of Mickey and Minnie images. This is Vanity Nails Cartoon.

Here's the other ladies Day 2 Digit-al Dozen mani's!
Thanks for looking!
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