Dallas3 interviewed one of the top IFBB Figure Athletes in the sport today, Meriza DeGuzman. She is sponsored by MAN Sports, who won the Supplement Company of the Year award at the 2nd Annual FitGems Awards. Meriza just recently competed in the California Pro, where she placed in the top ten.
DALLAS3: What made you want to make a career out of fitness?
MERIZA DEGUZMAN: I love the lifestyle of fitness – being able to share healthy living and teach the things I’ve learned through my own quest to be healthier is a blessing. I’ve learned alot on my own journey to be a better, healthier me-the benefits are so many- I’m even more thankful that I have been able to make a career out of sharing my passion with others.
DALLAS3: Best advice you’ve received in the industry?
MERIZA: As a competitor, don’t take your placings personally, and don’t worry about the supposed politics; Be yourself! I try to be a good role model to others because I as new athlete, I was influenced in a positive way by a few “big names” who were super nice to me, (namely Tanji and Adela , who are so sweet!)
DALLAS3: Advice for women wanting to make a career in the industry?
MERIZA: Learn as much as you can, keep your skills sharp, and always be nice to everybody – pay things forward because we’re blessed to be involved in this career…appreciate that fact!
DALLAS3: What would you like to do in the industry that you haven’t done yet?
MERIZA: I would like to compete at the Arnold before I retire; I would like to continue to inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle by leading by example.
DALLAS3: Best way you’ve found in getting sponsorship, booth work, in print ads, photo shoots, etc?
MERIZA: Stay in shape all year, so you’re always marketable. Be friendly and nice to everyone (not fake, sincere); and stay humble…
DALLAS3: Go out and seek potential sponsors or build yourself up first then go ask?
MERIZA: Build yourself up first, make a name for yourself so you have something to offer. Then, actively seek out sponsorship. Stay in shape, and always work to add to your portfolio and resume.
DALLAS3: Which do you like better, modeling or competing?
MERIZA: Hmmm…Competing…it’s the thrill of being on stage!
DALLAS3: Anyone you model your career after?
MERIZA: No, I’m just me… I love what I do and I’m appreciative – I work very hard to super-service my clients as a trainer, coach and physique specialist, and I keep my skills sharp.
DALLAS3: Best way you’ve saved on costs?
MERIZA: Competing is expensive; share rooms with other competitors, learn to apply your own make up and hair when necessary, refurbish your suits…choose contests wisely, to make the most marketing and career “bang” for your buck…
DALLAS3: Finish the sentence. In 5 years…..
MERIZA: I want to become established as a role model for women…I have alot of experience locally helping women of all experience levels get into their best shape ever; I love what I do and have a real passion for contributing to the quality of living of my clients. I love them all!! I hope in 5 years to be able to influence women on a much larger scale, because the fitness lifestyle has been so positive for me, I firmly believe I can help show more women how to lead healthier, more powerful and more fulfilled, happier lives!
Here's a bit about MAN Sports from Meriza: "They have several “high-performance” products for athletes, including a unique performance product created for hard-training females – FIGURE FUEL! learn more about Figure Fuel and how to achieve your own Fit and Lean body at www.MANSports.com"
For more on Meriza, visit her website at http://www.merizafigure.com.
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